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Year 1994                                              (Jones Act Com.) Pilothouse can be lowered for bridges.

LOA:               177.3 ft.

Beam                40 ft. (Extreme Beam)

Draft:                06.3 ft.

Load line ABS (expired could be reinstated, NOT needed for USA service)

Class Society: U.S. Coast Guard Certification (COI)

Gross tons:     99t

Net tons:         67t

Light Ship:     33.51 long tons

DWT:               340t

Air Draft:         57 ft. max to 19 ft. minimum

Fuel Burn:       55 gal. hr. 2 engs. 1 gen.

Lying: Eastern Seaboard, USA

Passengers overnight:   76

Cabins:                             46

Flag: U.S.

OBO after inspection


Reference: SWBBlt2014: 




















The vessel is also well suited for family cruising in the South Pacific or .......

Built: Australia


LOA:     108.9 ft. / 33.15m

Beam:     45 ft. / 13.21m

Draft:     06 ft. / 1.8m

Service Speed: 12 to Max. 15

Ship is Stabilized

State rooms for guests:

  • 10 in the middle deck;

  • 4 in the main deck;

  • 2 crew cabins can be used for guests.

Location: South Pacific/Fiji

Reference : SWBCATHAUM2014



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Mathew Moen Office USA / Darko Mikulandra office Croatia of: Ship World Brokerage LLC


Specifications are provided for general information only. We cannot guarantee the correctness of given information or be liable for any inaccuracy or warrant the condition of ships, equipment and yachts. All dimensions, capacities, speeds etc. are approximate. All information given is subject to fair, wear and tear. We therefore recommend clients to have yachts, specifications and information thoroughly checked and surveyed for accuracy by an independent qualified marine surveyor / inspector and purchase only subject to satisfied inspection, survey and sea trial. Ships, yachts and equipment are offered subject to still being for sale. Unless seller and purchaser have agreed this specification and information in signing in contract, we reserve the right to change specification, price etc. without prior notice. We are not responsible for the outcome of our publications and activities as result thereof.


If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach

them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.

Mathew Moen


North Fort Myers, Florida, USA​


Swearingen Merlin 300 

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