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ABS Classed Barge

Year Built: 2013/2014

400 ft x 120 ft x 25 ft

Current location: Batam, Indonesia


Just reduced to USD $9,000,000.00  (USD $9 mil.) 

Reference: SWBDeckandTankBarge
















Asking: @ $2.4 million USD
Location: West Africa, area of Cameroon
TYPE: Deck Cargo Barge (Tanks Suitable for Carrying Ballast Water)
Year: 2007
Flag/Port of Registry: United States of America /
Official No.:
Class/Classification: ABS/ A-1 Barge
GRT / NRT: 2225 / 667
Length Overall: 205 ft. / 76.2m
Breadth: 80 ft. / 24.38m
Depth: 16 ft. / 4.88m
Max Draft: 12.68 ft. / 3.92m


Reference: SWB-2514





















Asking:                @ $3.2 million

Location:            West Africa Area of Cameroon

Type                     Classed Deck Barge

Size                       300x100x18

Year:                     2006

Flag:                     United States of America              

Max. Draft:          13.71 ft. / 4.17m

Deck Load           4000 lb/ft2

Max Draft            13.71

GRT/NRT            4126 / 1237

Deadweight         8382 LT

Light Ship Wt.;   2021 LT (2054 Metric Tons ) Approx.

Deck Loading:    4000 pounds/square foot (20 Metric tons/square meter) Approx.


Reference: SWB-3004
















004-SWB- 3007

Asking: @ $ 2.8 million
Location: West Africa area of Cameroon
Type: Deck Barge
Year: 2008
Flag/Port of Registry: United States of America/
Official Number:
Class/Classification: ABS / A-1 Barge
GRT/NRT: 3527 / 1058
Length Overall: 300 ft. / 91.44m
Breadth: 090 ft. / 27.43m
Depth: 018 ft. / 5.48m
Max Draft: 014.08 ft. / 4.28m
Light Ship Wt.: 1395.3 LT (1417.6 Metric Tons) Approx.
Cargo Capacity at Max Load Line: 8265 LT (8397 Metric Tons) Approx.
Deck Loading : 3000pounds/square ft. (15 mt. tons / square m.) Approx.


Reference: SWB-3007


SWB- 3007




















004 SWB-2510
Asking: @ $2.4 million
Location: West Africa area of Cameroon
Year: 2007
Type: Deck Cargo Barge (Tanks Suitable for Carrying Ballast Water)
Flag/Port Reg.: United States of America /
Class/Classification: ABS / A-1 Barge’
GRT/NRT: 2305 / 691
Length overall: 250 ft. / 76.2m
Breadth: 80 ft. / 24.38m
Depth: 16 ft. / 4.88m
Max Draft: 11.9 ft. / 3.63m Approx.
Light Ship Weight: 1125 LT (1143 Metric Tons) Approx.
Cargo Cap. At Max Load Line: 4965 LT (5044 Metric Tons) Approx.
Deck Loading : 4000 pounds / square foot (20 metric tons/square meter) Approx.


Reference: SWB-2510



















ABS Deck Barge
Asking: @ $2.8 million
Location: West Africa area of Cameroon
Year: 2008
Flag Registry: United States of America /
Class/Classification: ABS / A-1 Barge
GRT/ NRT: 3527 / 1058
Length Overall: 300 ft. / 91.44m
Breadth: 90 ft. / 27.43m
Depth; 18 ft. / 5.48m
Max Draft: 14.08 ft. / 4.28m /Approx.
Light Ship Weight: 1395.3 LT (1417.6 Metric Tons ) Approx.
Cargo Cap. at Max Load Line: 8265 LT (8397 Metric Tons) Approx.
Deck Load: 3000 pounds/square foot (15 metric tons / square meter) Approx.


Reference: SWB-3008






















SWB- 3337
Asking: @ $5 million
Location: West Africa area of Cameroon
100m x 36m x 6m Flat Top Deck Cargo and Ballast Tank Barge
Type: Deck Cargo and Ballast Tank Barge
Year: 2012
Flag / Reg: United States of America /
Class / Classification: American Bureau of Shipping / A1, Barge
GRT/NRT: 5974 / 1792
Length Overall: 330.2 ft. / 100.65m [Art. 2(8):96.62m (317ft.)]
Breadth Moulded: 120 ft. / 36.58m
Depth Moulded: 20 ft. / 6.10m
Deadweight: 12,814.5 LT
Deck Loading: 25 tonne per square metre
Deck Equipment:
Mooring Bollards: 8 x Double bitts 12”N.B.Pipe (recessed)
Towing Brackets: 2 sets “Smit” 100T SWL fitted forward and Aft
Anchor Winch: 1 x 5 tons capacity hand operated winch
Anchor: 3 rows 250mm Ø Sch. 80 half round pipe Fitted on port and starboard sides.
Manhole: 1 flush manhole for each tank 500mm dia with galvanished cover “T” bolt type.
Navigation Lights: One set navigation lights
All welded steel construction with flush main deck, fitted with twin skegs at stern.
Transverse Bulkhead: seven (7) transverse bulkheads (watertight)


Reference: SWB-3337




SWB- 3337

The actual barge is the one being offloaded by the crane barge.

Cruise Ship, Passenger Ship, Barge, Deck Barge, Ship for Sale, Ship for Charter, Ocean Going Ship, Ferry, RO/RO, RO/Pax Ferry, Passenger Vessel, Cruise Ship For Sale, Passenger Ship for Sale, RO/Pax Ferry For Sale, Cruise Ship For Charter, Passenger Ship For Charter, RO/PAX Ferry For Charter


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Mathew Moen Office USA / Darko Mikulandra office Croatia of: Ship World Brokerage LLC


Specifications are provided for general information only. We cannot guarantee the correctness of given information or be liable for any inaccuracy or warrant the condition of ships, equipment and yachts. All dimensions, capacities, speeds etc. are approximate. All information given is subject to fair, wear and tear. We therefore recommend clients to have yachts, specifications and information thoroughly checked and surveyed for accuracy by an independent qualified marine surveyor / inspector and purchase only subject to satisfied inspection, survey and sea trial. Ships, yachts and equipment are offered subject to still being for sale. Unless seller and purchaser have agreed this specification and information in signing in contract, we reserve the right to change specification, price etc. without prior notice. We are not responsible for the outcome of our publications and activities as result thereof.


If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach

them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.

Mathew Moen


North Fort Myers, Florida, USA​


Swearingen Merlin 300 

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